Marauder Dome |
18 Corey Road, Flanders, NJ 07836
973-961-4008 ext. 8205
Located just North of the Mount Olive High School baseball field. You can’t miss it!
The dome is large (over 100,000 square feet) and covers a full collegiate soccer field (260 feet wide, 395 feet long; 225 ft. wide X 360 feet long sideline to side line for soccer) and is available in one of four options; Full field, Half field (198 feet wide, 260 long), Third Field ( 130 ft. wide, 260 ft. long), or Sixth of a field (100 ft. wide, 130 ft. long) with all partial fields played in cross field formats. The field is newly turfed and is a great place for baseball, softball, soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, and other events and sporting activities.
MO Organizations:
$500/hr (full field)
Non-MO Organizations:
Tier A Pricing: $600/hr (full field). Client qualifies with 100+ hours booked. *
Tier B Pricing: $650/hr (full field). Client qualifies with 75 hours booked. *
Tier C Pricing: $700/hr (full field). Client qualifies with 50 hours booked. *
Tier D Pricing: $750/hr (full field). Client qualifies with 25 hours booked. *
Tier E Pricing: $800/hr (full field). Clients booking less than 25 hours. *
*One hour shall consist of field bookings that are 1/3 field or more. 1/6 field bookings shall not
qualify as an "hour" towards tiered pricing. |
Check out our newest addition to the dome, batting cages! They are 20’w x 12’ h x 80’ L and can be split into two 40’ cages or one section used for a back stop for softball practice.